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Benedict Cumberbatch Asks Actors to Reject Roles If Lead Actress Not Paid Equally

Benedict Cumberbatch is taking a hard line when it comes to equal pay for equal work.

Or, as one "Avengers: Infinity War" fan put it...

Nice. Cumberbatch, who is now starring in "Patrick Melrose" on Showtime, told Radio Times men like himself need to lead by example when it comes to paying women equally for the same amount of work.

"Equal pay and a place at the table are the central tenets of feminism. Look at your quotas. Ask what women are being paid, and say: 'If she's not paid the same as the men, I'm not doing it.'"

Cumberbatch said he'd be using his new production company, SunnyMarch, to help bring more representation for women to the screen:

"I'm proud that [partner] Adam [Ackland] and I are the only men in our production company; our next project is a female story with a female lens about motherhood, in a time of environmental disaster. If it's centred around my name, to get investors, then we can use that attention for a raft of female projects. Half the audience is female!"

So far, the fan reaction has been very positive, although there are some folks who still think pay exceptions should be made for "bigger" stars even if they don't have bigger roles. Like Mark Wahlberg's agent getting him so much more money than Oscar nominee Michelle Williams for "All the Money in the World," Matt Smith making more than queen Claire Foy in both of their seasons of "The Crown," and Evan Rachel Wood not making as much as the men in "Westworld" despite being the main star and literal face of the series.

Cumberbatch's "Patrick Melrose" airs Saturdays at 9 p.m. on Showtime. He's also in "Avengers: Infinity War," now in theaters, and may or may not ever return to "Sherlock."

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Benedict Cumberbatch Asks Actors to Reject Roles If Lead Actress Not Paid Equally Reviewed by tenmukaneda on Mayo 14, 2018 Rating: 5
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