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Natalie Portman Responds To Annihilation's White-Washing Controversy

After turning the world of TV production on its head, Netflix has set its sights on the world of film. The streaming services has acquired the distribution rights to a variety of movies in the past year or so, the latest of which is Alex Garland's upcoming sci-fi film Annihilation. Starring Natalie Portman, Annihilation is loosely based off the novel of the same name. But the second novel in the trilogy reveals more about the characters, including that Portman's character Lena is an Asian woman. As such, Annihilation has been met with some backlash, and accused of white washing. Natalie Portman herself recently responded to the controversy, although she admits that she didn't have prior knowledge of Lena being Asian prior to the question.

Natalie Portman Responds To Annihilation's White-Washing Controversy Reviewed by tenmukaneda on Pebrero 15, 2018 Rating: 5
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