One Hard Thing About Filming Red Sparrow, According To Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence wasn't the only performer in Red Sparrow who had to speak differently. Her co-star, Joel Edgerton, plays CIA agent Nathaniel Nash, requiring him to set aside his Australian accent for the project. Unlike Lawrence, though, Edgerton already had experience playing Americans, such as in The Great Gatsby and Black Mass, so it was familiar territory for him. Going back to Lawrence, another challenge that she had to deal with on Red Sparrow was learning ballet, as Dominika Egorova is a ballerina before she's recruited to be a spy. Granted, you won't see Lawrence performing Swan Lake or anything like that, but going through four months of training was a good character study. Between the Russian accent and the ballet training, as well as having to appear nude for a particular scene, it certainly sounds like Red Sparrow will go down as one of Lawrence's more eventful productions.