The New Ready Player One Trailer Is The Best One Yet

So much of Ready Player One is the immersion into recognizable pop culture landscapes that are part of the story, Ernie Cline spun a deep dive into the 1980s and '90s with Ready Player One, as Wade -- using his OASIS avatar Parzival -- had to play through simulations of the Matthew Broderick movie WarGames, or defeat a knight from the classic video game Joust. Part of us is anxious to see what Steven Spielberg keeps, and what he adds, as much of his own career was shaped and influenced by the media of the 1980s. We already have seen prominent placement of the Delorean from Back to the Future, and the character of The Iron Giant playing a major role.
The New Ready Player One Trailer Is The Best One Yet
Reviewed by tenmukaneda
Pebrero 15, 2018