Why Star City May Be Doomed In Arrow Season 6

On the one hand, Arrow seemed to want viewers to sympathize with Team Arrow-less. After all, Dinah was heartbroken at Vigilante's death, the whole trio had their lair invaded by OTA, and Rene had the stuffing beaten out of him by the Green Arrow himself. On the other hand, Team Arrow-less really made most of their own mess in "Collision Course." Oliver is the expert on why revenge is a terrible idea, OTA was focused on the greater good rather than hitting back at one baddie, and Team Arrow-less are the ones who started the fight. Rene's injuries are tragic, but as far as I'm concerned, Team Arrow-less shouldn't blame Oliver because he won the fight they started.
Why Star City May Be Doomed In Arrow Season 6
Reviewed by tenmukaneda
Marso 02, 2018